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Uroschool 2020
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Uroschool 2019
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Uroschool 2017
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UroSchool 2013
TOP 10 - Μαθητές 2013
TOP 10 - Ομιλητές 2013
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Βραβείο Νέος Ηγέτης στην Ουρολογία 2017 - Ψηφοφορία
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URO School
Σχολεία προηγούμενων ετών
UroSchool 2013
Λήξη- Επίδοση βεβαιώσεων παρακολούθησης
Λήξη- Επίδοση βεβαιώσεων παρακολούθησης
Sunday, April 21, 2013 - 13:30
Αξιολογήστε το Σχολείο
Sudden loss of erection and performance anxiety
Semen Culture
The secrets of a good erection
12 Myths about Sex
6th Interactive UroSchool
ISUD at the event “Month of Greek Graphic Design Books”
Menopause, Diapers and Sex: Incontinence can be treated!
URO School
Uroschool 2020
The identity of Uro-School
The People behind the School
The Tutors
The Programs
Uroschool photos
Uroschools of previous years
Uroschool 2019
Uroschool 2018
Uroschool 2017
UroSchool 2016
UroSchool 2015
UroSchool 2014
UroSchool 2013
Workshop with Virtual Patients
Opening Session
Surgery secrets Ι: Non-oncological surgical testicular diseases
Virtual Patient Ι: Renal Cancer (the discussion)
Virtual Patient Ι: Renal Cancer (the solution)
Uro-Swords I: Small renal cell tumor: Partial Nephrectomy or Ablation?
Interactive Seminar I: questioning BPH guidelines
Workshop Ι: How to handle the patient or relative who "knows everything"
Interactive Seminar ΙΙ: Extracorporeal Lithotripsy: from renal colic to full elimination of stone fragments
Virtual Patient ΙΙ: Prostate Cancer: when not localized
Virtual Patient II: Prostate Cancer (the solution)
PSA Screening: for or against?
6th Interactive School of Urology overall evaluation
TOP 10 - Μαθητές 2013
TOP 10 - Ομιλητές 2013
When our patience and self-control is tested
Antimuscarinics and Neurogenic Bladder: what we know and what really concerns us?
Interactive Seminar III: Erectile Dysfunction: no venous leak in young men!
H.U.S.: Is our Society as we would like it to be?
Εικονικός ασθενής Ι - Α. Σκολαρίκος
Εικονικός ασθενής Ι - Ι. Βαρκαράκης
Εικονικός ασθενής ΙΙ - Γ. Αλιβιζάτος
Εικονικός ασθενής ΙΙ - Δ. Μητρόπουλος
Εικονικός ασθενής ΙΙΙ - Χ. Καλαϊτζής
Indications for endoscopic treatment
Εxtracorporeal Lithotripsy: the secrets
Choosing the proper method
The life of stones in the urinary tract
The real disorder: cause and treatment
Testicular Injury
Understanding the Neurogenic Bladder
Clinical examination of a patient with LUTS
Clinical examination of a patient with andrological problem
Mistakes or/and limitations: cases that are not covered by the guidelines
After Lithotripsy
Guidelines through a series of cases
Osteoporosis and bone metastases: what the Urologist should know
Practical tips on how to handle patients who "know everything" about their medical condition/treatment
How does our brain induce "venous leak"?
How easily would you operate the prostate in a neurological patient?
How easy is the treatment of Urinary Tract Infections in neurological patients?
Thoughts of a young Urologist: the deadends
Testicular Torsion
Secrets for the placement of Testicular Prosthesis
What does the pathophysiology of erectile mechanism teach us?
What should we expect from H.U.S.?
Post-Void Residual (PVR): α-blockers or intermittent catheterizations?
TOP 10 - Μαθητές 2013
TOP 10 - Ομιλητές 2013
Workshopl ΙΙ: Bone Disease
Interactive Seminar ΙV: Νeurogenic bladder, from A to Z
Virtual Patient ΙΙΙ: Testicular Cancer (the discussion)
Visual Patient ΙΙΙ: Testicular Cancer (the solution)
Uro-Swords II: Testicular Cancer: "Doctor, will I have children?"
Surgical secrets ΙΙ: What is the proper treatment of urothelial cancer in the upper urinary tract
Workshop ΙΙΙ: is an objective clinical examination feasible?
Closing - Certificates of Attendance
UroSchool 2012
UroSchool 2011
UroSchool 2010
UroSchool 2009
UroSchool 2008
Συνολική αξιολόγηση σχολείου 2013
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Βραβείο Νέος Ηγέτης στην Ουρολογία 2017 - Ψηφοφορία
The Urologist’s non-surgical skills
What was worth from the entire journey
The model example of a Teacher
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