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Uroschool 2020
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Uroschool 2019
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Uroschool 2017
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UroSchool 2013
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Βραβείο Νέος Ηγέτης στην Ουρολογία 2017 - Ψηφοφορία
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URO School
Σχολεία προηγούμενων ετών
UroSchool 2009
Λαπαροσκοπική νεφρεκτομή: τα μυστικά
Λαπαροσκοπική νεφρεκτομή: τα μυστικά
Saturday, May 30, 2009 -
Ανδρέας Σκολαρίκος
Sudden loss of erection and performance anxiety
Semen Culture
The secrets of a good erection
12 Myths about Sex
6th Interactive UroSchool
ISUD at the event “Month of Greek Graphic Design Books”
Menopause, Diapers and Sex: Incontinence can be treated!
URO School
Uroschool 2020
The identity of Uro-School
The People behind the School
The Tutors
The Programs
Uroschool photos
Uroschools of previous years
Uroschool 2019
Uroschool 2018
Uroschool 2017
UroSchool 2016
UroSchool 2015
UroSchool 2014
UroSchool 2013
UroSchool 2012
UroSchool 2011
UroSchool 2010
UroSchool 2009
Opening Session: “The Hellenic Contribution to Urology Research 2000-2009»
Workshop Ι: approaches for taking the patient's sexual history – commenting on a video
Challenges in Medical Practice: Prostate Cancer
Challenges in Medical Practice: Prostate Cancer
Interactive Seminar Ι: Physician- Patient Communication: luxury or necessity?
Workshop ΙΙ: Laboratory Diagnostic Evaluation of the Infertile Male
Evidence-based Prescription and Pharmacotherapy in Urological patients
Challenges in Medical Practice: Erectile Dysfunction
Challenges in Medical Practice: Erectile Dysfunction
Surgical Secrets Ι: Εndoscopic Surgery, step by step
LUTS Evaluation in everyday Urology practice
Surgical Secrets II: Laparoscopic vs Robotic Surgery
Challenges in Medical Practice: LUTS/ Urinary incontinence
LUTS – Incontinence
Laser Prostatectomy: lessons from the first 50 cases
Announcing bad news: prostate cancer diagnosis
Αnalgesics: from paracetamol to morphin
Αntibiotics: perioperative use, long-term use, supplementary use
Αntithrombotic regimen: when, how and why?
Facing boundaries in Medicine (unknown etiology & ineffective therapy): Painful Urination Syndrome
Αnticoagulants: surgical repercussions, choice of discontinuation
Αnti-inflammatory drugs: are they all the same?
Dealing with the infertile couple When conceiving is particularly difficult to be achieved
Basic Communication issues through a case
Gastroprotection: when and what kind?
Creating the list of Personal Medications
Reading the Semen Analysis (Spermiogram)
Percutaneous Renal Procedures: from Nephrostomy to Nephrolithotripsy
Transurethral Procedures: using the proper instruments
Εrythropoietin/ Iron Supplements: when, for how long and why?
Challenges in Medical Practice: LUTS/Urinary Incontinence
Near-fatal conditions: the agony outside the ICU
Handling a difficult side-effect: intraoperative bleeding
Laparoscopic Nephrectomy: the secrets
Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy: is it still the golden standard?
Other Urological Laparoscopic Procedures: are they really needed?
Group Ι
Group Ι
Group Ι
Group ΙΙ
Group ΙΙ
Group ΙΙ
Ureteroscopy: secrets through a show-case
Urodynamic Test – Pelvic Floor Evaluation: what kind of information do complicated diagrams provide?
Robotics: the end of Laparoscopy?
What other tests? Why and When?
UltraSound Screening: reading through images
Lecture: The Mechanism of Erection. In memory of Inigo Saenz de Tejada.
Building together the 3rd Interactive School of Urology
Self-knowledge Test
Closing Session – Certificates of Attendance & EBU Credit Points
UroSchool 2008
Συνολική αξιολόγηση σχολείου 2013
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Βραβείο Νέος Ηγέτης στην Ουρολογία 2017 - Ψηφοφορία
The Urologist’s non-surgical skills
What was worth from the entire journey
The model example of a Teacher
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