Sexual History

Screenplay - Direction:

Loukas Athanasiadis, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, A.U.Th. - Sexologist


Irene Kiletsi, Psychiatrist

Dimitris Mallis, Psychiatrist


Center for Sexual & Reproductive Health, A.U.Th. / C.S.R.H. (2000)


A few words about the film

This video presents the story of a patient visiting the physician because of an erectile problem. In the first version of the story there are many errors made by the physician, while in the second version these errors are corrected. It is the presentation of two different approaches -given in a humorous way- which are not typical but which both have their educational value. This film was initially produced with the aim of training physicians how to take the patient's sexual history and was used within the context of the Clinical Tutorials/ Seminars of C.S.R.H. (Center for Sexual & Reproductiv Health) held in the period of the years 2000-2003. 

